Public Notice for Applying for the ESSA Federal Grant Funding For Independent School Districts

Normangee ISD is submitting an application for the following fund and general grants as follows:

Title I, Part A - Award Amount: $125,224

Title I, Part A - Intent and Purpose: Title I Part A, provides supplemental resources to LEA’s to help schools with high concentrations of students from low-income families, provide high-quality education that will enable all children to meet the challenging state academic standards.  

NISD intended use of Funds:  Salaries; Substitutes/Extra Duty Pay; Professional/Contracted Services;  Address Needs of Homeless Students; Improve Access to Technology; Student Social-Emotional Programs to improve academic achievement; Supplies and Materials for General Program Implementation.

Title II, Part A Award Amount: $23,906

Title II, Part A - Intent and Purpose: The intent and purpose of the Title II, Part A, program is to provide resources to LEAs to do the following:

  • Increase student achievement consistent with the challenging state academic standards

  • Improve the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals, and other school leaders

  • Increase the number of teachers, principals and other school leaders who are effective in improving student academic achievement in schools

  • Provide low-income and minority students greater access to effective teachers, principals and other school leaders

  • Support educators in their work to improve the overall quality of instruction and ensure equity of educational opportunity for all students.

NISD intended use of Funds:  Reap (use as): Title 1 Funds

Title IV, Part A Award Amount: $10,000

Title IV, Part A - Intent and Purpose: Title IV, Part A Subpart I, Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) grants are designed to improve the academic achievement of all students by increasing the capacity of LEAs, schools, and communities to:

  • Provide all students with access to a well-rounded education

  • Improve school conditions for student learning (safe and healthy students)

  • Improve the use of technology in order to enhance academic outcomes and digital literacy of students

NISD intended use of Funds:  Reap (use as): Title 1 Funds

For more information or comment, please contact the District ESSA contact prior to July 28th, 2023

District Contact:  Jamie Bell   


Phone Number: 936 396-3111

Posted as a School Board Agenda Item for July 31st, 2023

Date of posting: July 14, 2023

Date of removal: July 31, 2023