Public Notice for Applying for the ESSA Federal Grant Funding For Independent School Districts
Normangee ISD is submitting an application for the following fund and general grants as follows:
Title I, Part A - Award Amount: $125,224
Title I, Part A - Intent and Purpose: Title I Part A, provides supplemental resources to LEA’s to help schools with high concentrations of students from low-income families, provide high-quality education that will enable all children to meet the challenging state academic standards.
NISD intended use of Funds: Salaries; Substitutes/Extra Duty Pay; Professional/Contracted Services; Address Needs of Homeless Students; Improve Access to Technology; Student Social-Emotional Programs to improve academic achievement; Supplies and Materials for General Program Implementation.
Title II, Part A Award Amount: $23,906
Title II, Part A - Intent and Purpose: The intent and purpose of the Title II, Part A, program is to provide resources to LEAs to do the following:
Increase student achievement consistent with the challenging state academic standards
Improve the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals, and other school leaders
Increase the number of teachers, principals and other school leaders who are effective in improving student academic achievement in schools
Provide low-income and minority students greater access to effective teachers, principals and other school leaders
Support educators in their work to improve the overall quality of instruction and ensure equity of educational opportunity for all students.
NISD intended use of Funds: Reap (use as): Title 1 Funds
Title IV, Part A Award Amount: $10,000
Title IV, Part A - Intent and Purpose: Title IV, Part A Subpart I, Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) grants are designed to improve the academic achievement of all students by increasing the capacity of LEAs, schools, and communities to:
Provide all students with access to a well-rounded education
Improve school conditions for student learning (safe and healthy students)
Improve the use of technology in order to enhance academic outcomes and digital literacy of students
NISD intended use of Funds: Reap (use as): Title 1 Funds
For more information or comment, please contact the District ESSA contact prior to July 28th, 2023
District Contact: Jamie Bell
Posted as a School Board Agenda Item for July 31st, 2023
Date of posting: July 14, 2023
Date of removal: July 31, 2023