XC Team
Staff and Students of the Month!
Schedule Change-Normangee Football
Monday 9/9-Wednesday 9/11 8:00 AM-4:00 PM
Thursday 9/12 8:00 AM-7PM
Friday 9/13- 8:00 AM-12PM
Admin Conference Room!
Lunch With Loved Ones!
Bingo for Books!
The pep rally this Friday (9/6), will begin at 1:05 pm in an effort to allow all Normangee High School students to attend. All visitors will be asked to check in at the front desk, following normal visitor procedures.
Go Panthers
Lunch With Loved Ones
No School on Monday!
Dress up theme for this week is Hawaiian!
Must follow NISD dress code!
Substitute training for 2024-2025! Come join our Panther Family.
Better Together
All returning students must update their student's registration through Parent Portal and provide proof of residency for the 2024-2025 school year. Please contact the campus office with any questions.
Concerning Meal Applications, please see our 24-25 Media Release here: https://www.normangeeisd.org/page/media-release (English & Spanish) and Letter to Families here: https://www.normangeeisd.org/page/letter-to-families-2024-2025-meal-applications.
Our beloved Middle School Secretary has recently begun her fight against breast cancer. Fighting with Frederick T-shirts are available for purchase if you would like to show your support. Deadline for orders is July 29th. All Prayers are appreciated.
Meet the Teacher Night is coming up!
The Normangee ISD Track and Tennis Courts are closed as of today, 6/6/2024, for maintenance. A notification will be sent once this work is complete and these areas are opened back up. Thank you for your understanding.
Attention Parents:
All Normangee ISD bus routes are running about 10 minutes late this afternoon. This is due to a bus returning later than expected from a field trip. Thank you for your understanding.
Due to hazardous road conditions in surrounding areas and lack of power at our campuses Normangee ISD will be cancelling school for today. Classes will resume at normal time tomorrow.
Due to current weather conditions Normangee ISD will have a 2-hour delayed start today. Buses will run. at a 2 hour delay also.
Progress Reports have been posted to Parent Portal.