Students from Normangee High School participated in the first Dr. Martin Luther King Day of Service hosted by the City of Normangee. On January 16th, basketball, softball, and baseball student-athletes, as well as band members, volunteered their time to make a positive impact on our community. Over 40 representatives from Normangee ISD assisted community members by cleaning up yards, picking up trash, weeding flower beds, and moving boxes. A huge thank you to the City of Normnagee for proactively organizing this great event and for the opportunity for our students to participate. One of our strategic goals here at Normangee ISD is, "Through communication, outreach, and community involvement we will develop partnerships that dd value to both our community and our students learning experiences." We are proud to see student and organization actions aligning in pursuit of our goals!
MLK Day of Service
January 17, 2023